Difference between revisions of "Multi-inlet CH 4/Air flame with scheme GRI12"

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(DRGEP Step)
(DRGEP Step)
Line 84: Line 84:
followed by the the species associated with their rank :
followed by the the species associated with their rank :
0  AR
0  AR
2.3181e-16 C
1.41837e-05 HCCOH
2.44619e-09 CH
0.000287651 C
2.59722e-09 HCCOH
0.000489111 CH2CO
5.68614e-09 C2H
0.000498049 C2H
1.49031e-08 CH2CO
0.00327403 C2H2
  1.27776e-07 C2H2
0.00356528 CH2OH
2.68843e-07 HCCO
0.00476023 CH
3.69712e-05 C2H3
0.00528262 HCCO
7.25527e-05 CH2OH
0.0119242 H2O2
0.00365571 H2O2
0.0130846 C2H3
0.00537274 C2H4
0.0164568 CH3OH
0.00537274 C2H5
0.0358106 C2H4
0.00543792 CH2(S)
0.0358106 C2H5
0.00598963 CH2
0.0380984 CH2(S)
0.0100589 CH3OH
0.0394904 CH2
0.0179344 H2
0.0692651 H2
0.0199904 HCO
0.120645 C2H6
0.0576166 O
0.144271 HCO
0.145908 CH3O
0.146106 CH2O
0.342307 H
0.193431 CH3O
0.373973 C2H6
0.345988 O
0.460535 OH
0.699261 H
0.483807  CH2O
0.699262 OH
0.999998  HO2
0.999998  HO2
0.999999  CH3
0.999999  CH3
1  O2
1  O2
1  H2O
1  H2O
1  CH4
1  CH4
1  CO
1  CO
1  CO2
1  CO2
1  N2
1  N2
From a detailed 32 species scheme, we obtain reduced schemes (31 to 11 species). and we choose the one with 14 species for the next step. With 13 species and less, the trajectories of the targets and the temperature are too different from the detailed ones to be easily optimised.
From a detailed 32 species scheme, we obtain reduced schemes (31 to 11 species). and we choose the one with 14 species for the next step. With 13 species and less, the trajectories of the targets and the temperature are too different from the detailed ones to be easily optimised.
Line 128: Line 127:
Reaction 11  6.97477e-05
Reaction 11  7.11815e-05
Reaction 2  8.75759e-05
Reaction 2  9.22955e-05
Reaction 1  8.98678e-05
Reaction 1  9.5273e-05
Reaction 18  0.00213229
Reaction 18  0.002098
Reaction 31  0.00291462
Reaction 31  0.00268202
Reaction 6 0.00363456
Reaction 10 0.00415073
Reaction 10 0.00375711
Reaction 6 0.00453937
Reaction 22 0.00511265
Reaction 12 0.0058625
Reaction 12 0.00898034
Reaction 22 0.00631152
Reaction 7  0.0106843
Reaction 7  0.0107781
Reaction 8  0.0106849
Reaction 8  0.0107783
Reaction 34  0.0173608
Reaction 34  0.0154049
Reaction 19  0.0185876
Reaction 19  0.0177938
Reaction 25 0.0221759
Reaction 29 0.0220001
Reaction 29 0.0222202
Reaction 25 0.0269477
Reaction 37 0.0372901
Reaction 24 0.0322283
Reaction 24 0.0446721
Reaction 37 0.0341651
Reaction 9 0.0449009
Reaction 40 0.0553785
Reaction 40 0.0555031
Reaction 9 0.0611019
Reaction 32  0.0696855
Reaction 32  0.0701004
Reaction 39  0.0865175
Reaction 39  0.0765675
Reaction 3 0.144344
Reaction 38 0.148919
Reaction 30 0.156095
Reaction 35 0.164745
Reaction 14 0.166212
Reaction 3 0.165682
Reaction 35 0.167587
Reaction 14 0.166509
Reaction 38 0.178616
Reaction 30 0.173203
Reaction 23  0.250862
Reaction 23  0.250228
Reaction 36 0.357038
Reaction 21 0.364056
Reaction 21 0.360875
Reaction 36 0.459012
Reaction 26  0.419329
Reaction 26  0.491301
Reaction 28 0.459053
Reaction 5 0.494067
Reaction 5 0.487659
Reaction 28 0.550285
Reaction 42 0.602514
Reaction 20 0.606395
Reaction 20 0.633343
Reaction 42 0.607008
Reaction 15  0.740476
Reaction 15  0.736774
Reaction 16 0.789885
Reaction 17 0.754281
Reaction 17 0.828505
Reaction 16 0.791332
Reaction 41  0.846392
Reaction 41  0.855392
Reaction 33  0.948112
Reaction 33  0.948061
Reaction 13  0.969275
Reaction 13  0.969153
Reaction 4  0.971434
Reaction 4  0.974258
Reaction 27  0.992353
Reaction 27  0.992507
After this step, by comparing the reference trajectories with the new ones, we choose to delete 13 reactions, so the next step is performed with 14 species and 29 reactions. Indeed, with 28 and less species, the final state of the trajectories is not well predicted and difficult to represent even with the optimisation step.
After this step, by comparing the reference trajectories with the new ones, we choose to delete 13 reactions, so the next step is performed with 14 species and 29 reactions. Indeed, with 28 and less species, the final state of the trajectories is not well predicted and difficult to represent even with the optimisation step.

Revision as of 11:49, 28 January 2019


The Stochastic_GRI12 test case describes a reduction of the GRI1.2 scheme for a 0D 2-inlet configuration. Starting with 32 species and 177 reactions, we reduce to 12 transported species, 2 species in quasi steady state assumption and 29 reactions.

Key parameters

The target species considered for this test case are O2, CO and CO2. We are at atmospheric pressure, and the fuel is injected in its gaseous form (no evaporation model). The inputs of the 3 inlets (oxidiser, fuel and burned gases) are displayed below :

Characteristics of the air inlet :

  listInlets.push_back(new MultipleInlet(
               /*Temperature*/ 700,
               /*Pressure*/ 1E+05,
               /*Mass flow rate*/ 0.500,
               /*Xk*/ "O2:0.21, N2:0.79",
               /*Yk*/ "",
               /*Evaporation model*/ false,
               /*Droplet diameter*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation time*/ 0.0,
               /*Liquid density*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation latent heat*/ 0.0));

Characteristics of the fuel inlet :

  listInlets.push_back(new MultipleInlet(
               /*Temperature*/ 450,
               /*Pressure*/ 1E+05,
               /*Mass flow rate*/ 0.017,
               /*Xk*/ "CH4:1.0",
               /*Yk*/ "",
               /*Evaporation model*/ false,
               /*Droplet diameter*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation time*/ 0.0,
               /*Liquid density*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation latent heat*/ 0.0));

Characteristics of the burned gases inlet :

  listInlets.push_back(new Characteristics_MultipleInlet(
               /*Temperature*/ 2500,
               /*Pressure*/ 1E+05,
               /*Mass flow rate*/ 0.200,
               /*Xk*/ "N2:0.76308, O2:0.093573, H2O:0.072355, CO2:0.070468",
               /*Yk*/ "",
               /*Evaporation model*/ false,
               /*Droplet diameter*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation time*/ 0.0,
               /*Liquid density*/ 0.0,
               /*Evaporation latent heat*/ 0.0));
               /*tau_t*/ 2e-04,
               /*delta_t*/ 1e-05,
               /*nbIterations*/ 200,
               /*BurnedGases*/ true));



While running the DRGEP species step, your terminal should display the following information :

Reading initial mechanism "mechanisms/gri12.xml" with description "gri12" ----------> OK
Number of species: 32
Number of reactions: 177
Set the mole fraction of inlet 0
Set the mole fraction of inlet 1
Set the mole fraction of inlet 2

Composition to enter  For the equilibrium computation to get the Burned gases 
Compo_H_mixed 525637
X_O2: 0.16931
X_H2O: 0.019848
X_CH4: 0.0418227
X_CO2: 0.0193304
X_N2: 0.749689
T_mixed 1212.8
Nb particles  0  500
Nb particles  1  17
Nb particles  2  200
Nmix 35
Set the mole fraction of inlet 0
Set the mole fraction of inlet 1
Set the mole fraction of inlet 2

followed by the the species associated with their rank :

0 AR 1.41837e-05 HCCOH 0.000287651 C 0.000489111 CH2CO 0.000498049 C2H 0.00327403 C2H2 0.00356528 CH2OH 0.00476023 CH 0.00528262 HCCO 0.0119242 H2O2 0.0130846 C2H3 0.0164568 CH3OH 0.0358106 C2H4 0.0358106 C2H5 0.0380984 CH2(S) 0.0394904 CH2 0.0692651 H2 0.120645 C2H6 0.144271 HCO 0.146106 CH2O 0.193431 CH3O 0.345988 O 0.699261 H 0.699262 OH 0.999998 HO2 0.999999 CH3 1 O2 1 H2O 1 CH4 1 CO 1 CO2 1 N2

From a detailed 32 species scheme, we obtain reduced schemes (31 to 11 species). and we choose the one with 14 species for the next step. With 13 species and less, the trajectories of the targets and the temperature are too different from the detailed ones to be easily optimised.

14sp 42R.png

Fig1 : Comparison between the reference trajectories of the target species and the temperature (in black), and the trajectories computed with the reduced mechanism with 14 transported species and 42 reactions (in red) for the fuel inlet.

From the reduced scheme with 14 species, the DRGEP reaction step displays the associated 42 reactions (forward, reverse and global) with their rank. The global reactions are displayed below :

Reaction 11 7.11815e-05 Reaction 2 9.22955e-05 Reaction 1 9.5273e-05 Reaction 18 0.002098 Reaction 31 0.00268202 Reaction 10 0.00415073 Reaction 6 0.00453937 Reaction 12 0.0058625 Reaction 22 0.00631152 Reaction 7 0.0107781 Reaction 8 0.0107783 Reaction 34 0.0154049 Reaction 19 0.0177938 Reaction 29 0.0220001 Reaction 25 0.0269477 Reaction 24 0.0322283 Reaction 37 0.0341651 Reaction 40 0.0553785 Reaction 9 0.0611019 Reaction 32 0.0701004 Reaction 39 0.0765675 Reaction 38 0.148919 Reaction 35 0.164745 Reaction 3 0.165682 Reaction 14 0.166509 Reaction 30 0.173203 Reaction 23 0.250228 Reaction 21 0.364056 Reaction 36 0.459012 Reaction 26 0.491301 Reaction 5 0.494067 Reaction 28 0.550285 Reaction 20 0.606395 Reaction 42 0.607008 Reaction 15 0.736774 Reaction 17 0.754281 Reaction 16 0.791332 Reaction 41 0.855392 Reaction 33 0.948061 Reaction 13 0.969153 Reaction 4 0.974258 Reaction 27 0.992507

After this step, by comparing the reference trajectories with the new ones, we choose to delete 13 reactions, so the next step is performed with 14 species and 29 reactions. Indeed, with 28 and less species, the final state of the trajectories is not well predicted and difficult to represent even with the optimisation step.

14sp 29R.png

Fig2 : Comparison between the reference trajectories of the target species and the temperature (in black), and the trajectories computed with the reduced mechanism with 14 transported species and 29 reactions (in red) for the fuel inlet.

QSS Step

While running the QSS step, your terminal should display the following information :

Species H  0.00707074
Species O  0.00347138
Species O2  1
Species OH  0.00238597
Species H2O  0.0394215
Species HO2  0.0120837
Species CH3  0.0951441
Species CH4  0.774634
Species CO  1
Species CO2  1
Species HCO  0.00480146
Species CH2O  0.178736
Species CH3O  0.00520346
Species N2  1
Interactions with species H  with QSS Criteria 0.00707074
H2O:2  HO2:1  CH3:1  CH2O:2  CH3O:1  
Interactions with species O  with QSS Criteria 0.00347138
OH:1  H2O:1  HO2:1  CH3:1  CH2O:1  CH3O:1  
Interactions with species OH  with QSS Criteria 0.00238597
O:1  OH:2  HO2:1  CH3:2  HCO:2  CH2O:2  CH3O:1  
Interactions with species H2O  with QSS Criteria 0.0394215
H:2  O:1  HO2:1  CH3:1  HCO:2  
Interactions with species HO2  with QSS Criteria 0.0120837
H:1  O:1  OH:1  H2O:1  CH3:2  CH2O:1  
Interactions with species CH3  with QSS Criteria 0.0951441
H:1  O:1  OH:2  H2O:1  HO2:2  HCO:1  CH2O:1  
Interactions with species HCO  with QSS Criteria 0.00480146
OH:2  H2O:2  CH3:1  
Interactions with species CH2O  with QSS Criteria 0.178736
H:2  O:1  OH:2  HO2:1  CH3:1  
Interactions with species CH3O  with QSS Criteria 0.00520346
H:1  O:1  OH:1

We choose to put the species CH3O and HCO in QSS hypothesis due to their low QSS coefficient.

In order to obtain the trajectories of the 12-transported species 29-reactions reduced scheme, we run the getQSSfile step and we observe that the final state and the shape of the trajectories are conserved. It is under these conditions that the optimisation step will be efficient.

12sp 29R.png

Fig3 : Comparison between the reference trajectories of the target species and the temperature (in black), and the trajectories computed with the reduced mechanism with 12 transported species and 29 reactions (in red) for the fuel inlet.

Optimisation Step

The final step of the ORCh method, the genetic algorithm, enables to recover the trajectories of the target species. Firstly, we allowed a 10 % variation on the pre exponential factor, the temperature exposant and the energy activation in order to find their optimal values.

A population of 40 elements was used during 38 generations.

Secondly, in order to obtain more precise trajectories, we allowed a 1 % variation on the pre exponential factor, the temperature exposant and the energy activation. 42 more generations were performed in that case.

The following trajectories of the temperature, the flame speed and the target species match perfectly the ones of the reference detailed scheme with only 12 transported species and 29 reactions.

Optim stoch GRI.png

Fig4 : Comparison between the reference trajectories of the target species and the temperature (in black), and the trajectories computed with the reduced mechanism with 12 transported species and 29 reactions (in red) after optimisation for the fuel inlet.